Lady Sun*** [3:39] (B, Taylor): "Punk Funk!" (a term created by the "Late Great Rick James" who hit it
big with the classic album "Street Songs" released in the spring of 1981 and it yielded two major-hits "Give
It to Me Baby" and "Superfreak)." Lady Sun is as close to "Punk Funk" as any EW& F song released
on any album or single. More of an indication that EW&F was aware of newer music trends of the time, and didn't have of
a problem showcasing them.
Shots of brass and laser-like guitars cut into the groove, synthesizers squirm in and out, horn blasts are always a beat
away, most suitable to energize the dance floor. Chicago funk style lead vocals, four-part harmony on the hook keep "Lady
Sun" on the move.